The archeological investigation that began in 2004 at č̕ixʷícən found over 1,400 features and 64,700 artifacts of stone, bone, antler, and wood. These features included habitation, structures, smokehouses, drying racks, hearths, rock ovens, and ocher features.
Currently, the artifacts are being stored at the Burke Museum. As a result of a legal settlement, the Tribe received $2.5 million to construct a cemetery and curation facility on the site. To date, this money has been used to construct a cemetery and reinter 344 Klallam ancestors. As of 2011 of the $2.5 million settlement, $2.1 million has been spent solely for restoration of the archeological site, leaving a balance of $400,000 dollars.
For the Tribe to reacquire the artifacts that have been recovered from Tse-whit-zen, a curation facility that can hold at least 904 cubic feet of artifacts must be built that will honor the 2006 agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation, City of Port Angeles, and Port of Port Angeles for a cultural center that will promote educational and research opportunities. This curation facility must be built so that it meets the Secretary of Interior standards for a museum 36 C.F.R. Part 79.