Proposed TANF Plan 2022-2025 Public Comment Request

PUBLIC COMMENT TANF PLAN Your input is important! The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe’s TANF Plan for 2022 to 2025 must be submitted to the Administration for Children and Families for review by August 1st. Before submitting the proposed Plan, the TANF department encourages community members and LEKT staff to provide feedback on the proposed Plan.  Below is a copy of the proposed Plan and a flyer to encourage community members to provide their comments.  Please submit your comments, in writing, by June 6th to Social Services. You can drop them off at the Social Services Department or email them to …READ MORE

2022 Goeduck Lottery

2022 Geoduck Lottery Signup Announcement March 3rd 2022 There will be a Geoduck Lottery Signup Period from March 7th 2022 until March 28,th  2022.  This time period is in effect because Commercial Fishing Vessel Coast Guard Inspections for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe are scheduled from March 22, 2022 through March 24, 2022.  Appointments for Coast Guard Inspection have to be made with Charlene Lauderback. Phone number 360.457.4012 ext. 7486.  These inspections are required every two years. The purpose of the lottery is to fill ONE vacant share (Individual Boat Quota) of the total tribal geoduck quota.  The lottery will …READ MORE

Election Committee Vacancy

There is a vacancy on the LEKT Election Committee. A single sign-up sheet will be posted in the tribal center lobby for ten business days beginning on (February 15, 2022 until -March 01, 2022.) All interested parties should print their name on any of the sign-up sheets and submit a letter of interest to the Tribal Council Executive Assistant, Elaine McFadden, by March 01, 2022. Tribal Council will then appoint a new member to the LEKT Election Committee.