Introducing the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program has been funded by the Department of Treasury to assist those who have been unable to pay rent and/or utilities due to the pandemic. Below is information about eligibility and where you can locate an application. To sign up or register for the ERA program you first must be eligible, to qualify for the program participants must meet both (#1 & 2) of the following two criteria: Pay rent toward a rental agreement Have a household income below 80% area median income AND one of the following criteria: Have qualified for unemployment benefits (since March …READ MORE

Freezer Update!

The freezers are coming, I promise they are, it’s still a thing that is happening. But, the hopeful early arrival is more realistically throughout the month of June. Here is what we know so far, as I learn more I will provide updates: Small Chest freezers:  24 should arrive the week of June 8th, and delivery/install will be coordinated through the vendor. Large Chest freezers:  Currently in production, with a future shipment date. Large Upright freezers:  10 are on-site with the vendor, delivery will be coordinated the week of June 8th (same time as small chest). The remainder (3 semi-trucks …READ MORE

Lower Elwha Family Advocacy Program Free Virtual Training

Lower Elwha Family Advocacy Program Present “Strong mind – ʔiyə́m̕ x̣čŋín!” Free Virtual Training on Friday, March 26, 2021 10:00 am to 3:30 pm Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 880 3415 2154; Passcode: 966630; One tap mobile: +, 88034152154# US (Tacoma); +1.346.248.7799, 88034152154# US (Houston) Presenters: Birdie K. Wermy, MPH (Southern Cheyenne), Behavioral Health Project Manager NW Tribal Epidemiology Center, NW Portland Area Indian Health Board in Portland, Oregon. Jan Olsmtead, MPA, Chumash descendant of the Santa Ynez and Barbareño, California Mission Indians. She has 40 years of experience in health policy, public administration, and Tribal and Intergovernmental affairs. Certified …READ MORE

Application for Service on Elwha Enterprise Board of Directors – Extended

Solicitation of Applications for Service on the Elwha Enterprises, Inc. Board of Directors Re-Issued February 25, 2021 The Business Committee of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe seeks qualified applicants to serve on the Board of Directors for the Tribe’s wholly-owned enterprise corporation. A description of the corporation’s purposes, Board duties and responsibilities, qualifications sought, terms of office, meetings and compensation, and application procedure follows. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation is available upon request. Interested applicants should download, review, and complete the application form: Elwha Enterprises Board Application Submit all required materials requested thereon no later than March 1, …READ MORE

Clallam Transit Operation Analysis

Clallam Transit System (CTS) is committed to providing customer-friendly, reliable, economical, and efficient public transportation options for the entire Clallam County community. In the year ahead, Clallam Transit is conducting a Comprehensive Transit Operational Analysis (CTOA) and exploring ways to more effectively serve the public while adapting to new economic, demographic, and technological trends. Please visit project website here: Connect Clallam ( Clallam County Project Flyer (PDF)

Elwha Clinic Starting to Schedule Group B

Group B – Call to Schedule January 8th – 15th •  Enrolled Lower Elwha elders ages 55+ •  Children’s House of Learning and Learning Center staff •  Food bank staff COVID-19 vaccinations will be administered according to the following plan which is based off of CDC guidelines. Individuals from each group will either be administered or offered the vaccine prior to moving onto the next group. Scheduling will take place on a rolling basis as we receive vaccines. We cannot schedule unless we have the vaccine on-site.  Orders for vaccines are placed on a weekly basis through IHS and not guaranteed …READ MORE

Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe COVID-19 Moderna Vaccination Plan

COVID-19 vaccinations will be administered according to the following plan, which is based off the CDC guidelines. Individuals from each group will either be administered or offered the vaccine prior to moving onto the next group. Scheduling will take place on a rolling basis as we receive vaccines. We cannot schedule unless we have the vaccine on-site.  Orders for vaccines are placed on a weekly basis through IHS and not guaranteed until delivery is received. We are exploring an alternate option for vaccination ordering, which may allow us to receive larger quantities and move through the groups faster, and allow …READ MORE

Public Health Order Remain Strong, Resilient and Return to Phase 1

Public Health Order Remain Strong, Resilient and Return to Phase 1 in Response to the Rising Threat of Coronavirus Disease COVID-19 RESOLUTION No. 161-20 WHEREAS, the Lower Elwha Tribal Community, also known as the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (“the Tribe”), is a federally recognized, self-governing Indian tribe in accordance with the Treaty of Point-No-Point of January 26, 1855, its Constitution and By-laws, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on April 29, 1968, and the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934; and WHEREAS, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Business Committee of the Lower Elwha Community Council is the constitutionally …READ MORE