Election Committee Vacancy

IMPORTANT  ELECTION COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT There is a vacancy on the LEKT Election Committee. A single sign-up sheet will be posted in the tribal center lobby beginning on April 8, 2022 until May 15, 2022. All interested parties should print their name on the sign-up sheet and submit a letter of interest to the Tribal Council …READ MORE

2022 Lower Elwha Elections

2022 Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Business Committee and Chairperson Elections In person voting between 9:00am-5:00pm General Election – May 7th Chair Election – May 28th Please visit the Elections Info page at: Lower Elwha Elections Information – to review the One Page Summary as well as the notification regarding new polling station hours.

Youth Wellness Scholarship Program

The Youth Wellness Scholarship Program is established by the Business Committee for the promotion of health, wellness, and supporting academic success and administered by the Tribe’s Executive Officers under the authority of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe General Welfare Code. The Youth Wellness Scholarship Program provides nontaxable and non-resource assistance under General Welfare Code Section …READ MORE

2022 Goeduck Lottery

2022 Geoduck Lottery Signup Announcement March 3rd 2022 There will be a Geoduck Lottery Signup Period from March 7th 2022 until March 28,th  2022.  This time period is in effect because Commercial Fishing Vessel Coast Guard Inspections for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe are scheduled from March 22, 2022 through March 24, 2022.  Appointments for …READ MORE