Indigenous Wealth Day: A Journey to Financial Freedom Tuesday June 27th, 2023 – 12pm – 7pm Elwha Klallam Heritage Center | Port Angeles, WA All Olympic Peninsula Tribes are invited to attend. Need help with taxes? Bad credit or lack of credit history? Interested in home ownership? Overcoming incarceration & trying to navigate healthy living …READ MORE
Author: Elwha
Blackfish Trading Post Grand Opening
LEKT’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program’s new online store is NOW OPEN! This project allows Native Americans experiencing disabilities to gain valuable work experience while also allowing us to serve as a venue for our artists and artisans to showcase their work. Funding for this project by the Rehabilitation Services Administration at the US Department of …READ MORE
Monitoring Smolts: It’s All Downstream From Here
Each spring, when the creeks and rivers begin to swell again, Steelhead and Coho parr (young salmon between the stages of fry and smolt) are preparing to migrate. This process is known as smoltification, which is characterized by the development of the shiny, silvery scales that will externally distinguish them as so-called ‘smolts’ but also …READ MORE
In Case You Missed It!
If you were not able to attend the Natural Resources hosted community dinner last month or didn’t get a chance to view all of the posters, you can download a PDF version of the posters highlighting current programs HERE:
Deadline for Applying for Fall 2023 School Soon Approaching!
Application deadline is June 30th. Applications can be found on the LEKT Higher Education page Also, this year is the first year that 1st generation LEKT descendants are eligible to apply for higher education assistance, (1st generation descendants must not be enrolled in another tribe and must complete and descendant enrollment paperwork with the …READ MORE
LEKT Retail Fireworks Application
The Business Committee is excited to offer this business opportunity to eligible LEKT Enrolled Members. Requires strict retail space specifications, cash deposits, and commitment to safety. Please review all associated documents for eligibility and requirements. Use the Smartsheet link to apply! Firework Eligibility & App 4.5.23 Fireworks- EXAMPLE ACCEPTABLE TENT LEKT Retail Fireworks Policy 2023 …READ MORE
May 2023 Newsletter
Read the May 2023 Newsletter Here (PDF)
Volunteers Needed!
Come help us learn what’s hiding in the mud! LEKT Fisheries biologists are collecting sediment samples from the Elwha River estuary to understand the role of the benthic community to support salmon diet. Volunteers are needed to help sort sediment samples & identify critters. When: May 15-19 – 10am-2pm For more info or to sign-up, contact …READ MORE
Elwha River: Tributaries & Volunteers
Just West of the Elwha River, near the new bridge construction on Highway 101, I join Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT) Natural Resources Department staff, Clallam Conservation District (CCD) organizers and local volunteers who are gathered around a trailer full of young plants. Recovering pre-dam salmon habitat in the Elwha valley goes beyond the Elwha …READ MORE