The Lower Elwha Mental Health Program offers help for people of all ages who are struggling with difficult emotions, problem behaviors, or who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships. Whether you need temporary support through a difficult time, or help recovering from lifelong trauma, we are available to help. Our staff of accomplished licensed professionals …READ MORE
Author: Elwha
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe – Current Services and Hours
(Subject to change as COVID-19 situation changes) Call 360-452-8471 ext. 9 to get COVID-19 updates Social Services Limited staff will be working Monday – Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with offices closed to the public. Call 360-565-7257 to set up appointments. Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Elders Lunch 11:45 – 12:45 …READ MORE
COVID-19 Letter to Tenants – March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020 Attention all Lower Elwha Housing Authority tenants, I apologize for being closed the last 2 weeks, we were unexpectedly closed and didn’t find out until the weekend. As you may or may not know our staff was exposed to the Coronavirus and all were on a 14 day quarantine. Due to COVID-19 …READ MORE
Emergency Notice from Election Committee due to COVID-19 Outbreak Drive-Thru Nominations on April 6, 2020
In light of the unprecedented public health emergency created by the COVID-19 outbreak, the LEKT Election Committee is making some changes to the 2020 Election in order to conduct all election activities as safely as possible while complying with Business Committee Resolution No. 42-20, the Stay Home Stay Healthy order that prohibits large public gatherings. …READ MORE
Stay Home-Stay Healthy Order Extended Until May 4th
Stay Home—Stay Healthy Order Extended in Response to the Threat of Corona Virus Disease COVID-19 RESOLUTION No. 43-20 WHEREAS, the Lower Elwha Tribal Community, also known as the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (“the Tribe”), is a federally recognized, self-governing Indian tribe in accordance with the Treaty of Point-No-Point of January 26, 1855, its Constitution and …READ MORE
Stay Home and Stay Healthy Order to the Lower Elwha Klallam Community
Dear Lower Elwha Klallam Community, The Business Committee of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe understands the importance of the Tribe’s response to the pandemic disease known as COVID-19. The members of the Business Committee understand and respect those who have feelings of uncertainty and fear during this unprecedented time. Together we assure you that we …READ MORE
Stay Home-Stay Healthy Order in Response to the Threat of Corona Virus Disease COVID-19
RESOLUTION No. 42-20 WHEREAS, the Lower Elwha Tribal Community, also known as the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (“the Tribe”), is a federally recognized, self-governing Indian tribe in accordance with the Treaty of Point-No-Point of January 26, 1855, its Constitution and By-laws, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on April 29, 1968, and the Indian …READ MORE
3/21/20 2pm- LEKT COVID-19 Community Update
Today we learned that a female Clallam County resident in her 40s with close ties to the Lower Elwha Reservation community tested positive for COVID-19. The individual has been told to self-quarantine at home and to contact her primary care physician with any concerns. The Tribe is working closely with the Clallam County Health Department …READ MORE
Washington State Department of Health Recommendations to Case Positive and Exposed Scenarios
COVID-19 – Case Positive Scenarios 3.15.2020 (PDF) COVID-19 – Exposed Scenario 3.17.202 (PDF) What to do if you have confirmed or suspected coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Updated March 15, 2020 If you are sick and have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspected to have COVID-19 because you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, follow the …READ MORE
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe is closed thru 3/31/2020
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe is closed thru 3/31/2020 with the exception of the following: Social Services: Food Bank will open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm. TANF and GA: services will be open on Wednesdays from 10am to 3pm. Elders: Food services as needed. Health Clinic and Klallam Counseling: will remain open. Lower …READ MORE