Washington Department of Social & Health Services – Partners and Friends Communication Update

Hello, I recognize how important it has been during these challenging times to maximize our resources and capacity through effective communication and collaboration with our partners. Please help me to ensure the attached letter with updates regarding CSD’s response to COVID-19 and supporting documents are shared broadly with all of our partners.    Thank you, …READ MORE

Domestic and Partner Violence

Beatriz Arakawa (Lower Elwha Family Advocacy) can be reached at 360.460.1745 or 360.775.346 Given that staying at home is a critical preventative action individuals and families are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19, compounded by heightened stress and financial uncertainty, there are concerns that there may be surges of domestic and partner violence. Although …READ MORE

Elwha Clinic – Foot Care

We are excited to announce that we are now expanding our foot care services. We are able to do foot care during home visits and we have increased appointment times during office hours. This is open to ALL community members who need assistance with foot care. Call 360-452-6252 for your appointment.

Lower Elwha Mental Health Services

The Lower Elwha Mental Health Program offers help for people of all ages who are struggling with difficult emotions, problem behaviors, or who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships. Whether you need temporary support through a difficult time, or help recovering from lifelong trauma, we are available to help. Our staff of accomplished licensed professionals …READ MORE

Emergency Notice from Election Committee due to COVID-19 Outbreak Drive-Thru Nominations on April 6, 2020

In light of the unprecedented public health emergency created by the COVID-19 outbreak, the LEKT Election Committee is making some changes to the 2020 Election in order to conduct all election activities as safely as possible while complying with Business Committee Resolution No. 42-20, the Stay Home Stay Healthy order that prohibits large public gatherings.   …READ MORE

Stay Home-Stay Healthy Order Extended Until May 4th

Stay Home—Stay Healthy Order Extended in Response to the Threat of Corona Virus Disease COVID-19 RESOLUTION No. 43-20 WHEREAS, the Lower Elwha Tribal Community, also known as the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (“the Tribe”), is a federally recognized, self-governing Indian tribe in accordance with the Treaty of Point-No-Point of January 26, 1855, its Constitution and …READ MORE