Paddle to Elwha 2025 – ʔéʔɬx̣ʷaʔ nəxʷsƛ̕áy̕əm̕ Strong People
Welcome Canoe Families!
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe is the proud host of the Annual Tribal Canoe Journeys for 2025 and we are ramping up to welcome you to our territory to Potlatch with us.
The revival of the canoes happened during the Centennial celebration for Washington State and the highways of our ancestors have been re-opened with an annual tribal canoe journeys. It was during this time in 1989 that Mr. Frank Brown, Heiltsuk Nation challenged all canoes to Paddle to Bella Bella, BC! From that point on, we continued to regain the gift of the cedar tree, the canoes and our ancestral highways; As we continue to follow the teachings of our ancestors, we will heal through our experiences on the journey of our sacred vessels. We look forward to working with each of the canoe families that will be making their way to Lower Elwha!!
háʔnəŋ cən há (thank you)
Register below to volunteer, host, and participating canoe families:
Residential Hosting – – Registration ends March 7th
Volunteer Registration –
Participating Canoe Families –