Lower Elwha Contract Health is offering a one-time family swimming pass (12 visits) to Shore Aquatic Center in Port Angeles
This one-time service offers assistance at pulling together to overcome the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, by encouraging and promoting health and wellness through physical activity in LEKT families, youth, and adults, to lessen the families” financial burden and expand opportunities to recover and thrive.
- Enrolled LEKT tribal member 18 or older, 1st generation descendent
- Must be contract health services eligible Updated PAO21 on file
- Completed needs assessment form
- One pass per eligible household/ person
- Must reside in Clallam County
Passes will be handed out beginning: 4/14/23 at The Lower Elwha Clinic 2443511 US 101 Port Angeles, WA 98363 8:00 A.M.- 6:00 P.M.
If you are an elder, or need assistance please contact: Corina Bolstrom 360-452-6252 Ext 7613
** If you have received a 12-month pass from the LEKT elders program, or a diabetic pass from LEHD you are not currently eligible for this program **
Visit www.elwha.org/covid/mental-health-resources/ for the fillable form and complete program policy.