Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe’s Phased Approach

Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe’s Phased Approach

The Tribe has established the below COVID-19 phased approach to opening government offices and modifying physical distancing measures. The Tribe will work concurrently with Clallam County phased approach to ensure the health of the community remains protected and may adjust the below plan as necessary.


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

High Risk



Continue to stay home, stay healthy

Continue to stay home, stay healthy

Continue to stay home, stay healthy

Resume public interactions, with physical distancing


-Some outdoor recreation 

-Outdoor recreation involving fewer than 5 people outside your household

-Outdoor groups

recreation sport activities

(5-25 people)


Resume all recreational activity



-Gather with no more than 5 people outside your

household per week


Gatherings with no more than 25 people outside only

Gatherings of 25+


Only essential travel

Limited non-essential travel within proximity of your home

Resume non-essential travel within Clallam



Continue non-essential travel


-Essential services staff

-Limited field workers


-Staff in single occupancy


-Field workers


-Staff in shared workspaces

-Offices open to public with personal protective measures in place

*Follow the Phased Opening of Tribal Government Buildings Plan

Phased opening chart (PDF)